240919: Tattoos

Finally contacting tattoo artists about getting tattoos to represent different members of the system. For myself I'm thinking of getting a ball jointed doll that looks sort of similar to how I do in headspsace. I'm so excited. N wants to get a fountain pen for his tattoo, Ghost wants a small cartoon ghost, Florian wants a dahlia flower, Puck wants english ivy. C isn't sure what he wants yet.

currently sitting in an educational psychology class right now. just tried a java monster for the first time, and it was better than i thought it would be! just tasted like a nice iced coffee, though i do feel a bit more jittery right now. also we've gained a bit of weight. we're planning on cutting out fast food and sodas to be a bit healthier.

i still have 40 minutes of class left and the class is 3 hours long. i don't want to be here lmfaoooo

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