N Introduction

Hi. My name is N (he/they). My primary interests are poetry and media preservation. I'm currently bored in our biology class.

We had therapy today and C just laid on the couch to the point that our therapist isn't even going to charge us for the session because we were so exhausted. I forgot to take our meds that we picked up when I got home, but I did have a coffee so that's good at least. Also bought some frozen, pre-cooked chicken breast for dinner tonight and in the future. We're afraid of cooking raw chicken because we don't want to get salmonella.

I also really like classic Doctor Who. I'm currently looking through the Key to Time arc with Tom Baker as the Doctor and Romana as his companion. Romana is the absolute best. She's so classy and smart and I just adore her. Oh also I'm aroace, unlike literally everyone else in my system. Though I do think Florian is potentially aromantic. I don't particularly want to share the details of my existance so I won't.

I took the bus from my place to my class and it was kind of nice. I don't know where my earbuds ended up and Puck didn't charge our phone last night so I'm stuck with no music. So that kind of sucks.

Oh also my fursona is a laborador or a german sheppherd. Not totally committed to either of them at this point. It's kinda funny that we're all furries with different fursonas ngl. Our friend Percy seems to think most of us are prideful. I don't think he's entirely wrong. Apparently all of us except for Ghost according to him lol. Though I think I may choose to own that. I'm proud of what I've overcome, I'm proud that I'm still making it through every day. And I get that that's all pretty cheesy, but like. If I don't think like that, I'm just stuck with my self hatred and being hung up on what's happened to me. I think I need to focus on the positives.

I'm trying to work on making new friends. It's a bit hard in my situation. I can't tell too many people the truth about us, but I just kind of don't connect with a lot of the rest of the system's friends for the most part. I tend towards a bit more reserved, straight to the point, and a bit darker in attitude.

Florian's started accessorizing to express himself. For me the rest of the system does masculine dressing Thursday so that way I have a chance to front because I hate dressing femininely. I've considered dropping the they altogether and just going with he/him pronouns, but I just don't feel confident enough for that yet.

I think I like to wear sweaters. Especially with button ups underneath them like I'm wearing today. It makes me feel kind of confident. Oh also I'm out of biology class and on the bus now. Luckily I'm still on campus/ close to campus so I can keep using the wifi haha.

Ghost managed to lose our glasses on Saturday night while looking for our dice collection during a surprise party the system hosted for a guy we'd never met before, but that a lot of our furry friends liked. We don't have a super strong prescription, but it's still annoying.

Wifi is being annoying so I switched to my phone's hotspot. Initially I was against the idea of a blog, but honestly this is kind of fun. It's like journalling, but a bit more social. Also I just read our main intro page. I think the horror story thing is cringe but idk how else to phrase the fact that our life fucking blows a lot of the time lmfao. Ngl, this has been a pretty relaxing exercise.

Also, C deleted tumblr off of our phone in a panic because idfk, but anyways it's been a few weeks and we haven't felt like redownloading it. Honestly, I think neocities could be our only form of social media outside of this one dying app and YouTube. We got rid of reddit and instagram years ago. Oh! also we want to get tattoos based on the system and each headmate will have a symbol that will go around our ankle. I think my symbol will be a fountain pen. I may start looking into tattoo artists this afternoon.

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