August 21st, 2024

An introduction is in order. My name is C (pronouns he/they/xe). My pages that I type will look like this, though I'll likely update the stylesheet as time progresses.

I'm part of a plural system of roughly 20 members which is a fancy way of saying I have roughly 20 other people who live in my head with me. I enjoy ttrpgs, sewing, knitting, working with my hands, learning new things, The Great British Bake Off, and a few other odds and ends. The rest have their own interests that I'll allow you to discover with time. My ideal body would be an orb piloting a mech suit that says "I'm a man!" and that's its only indication of gender. Sillum will likely post pictures of his doll collection on here, Ghost may post some of its cooking adventures or paintings perhaps. I plan to post my musings about life and maybe a scarf or two. Maybe a poem. Everyone will have pages that correspond to their aesthetic.

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